Learn More About Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)


To learn about WORKPLACE ACCOMMODATIONS for those impacted by Autism and other disabilities, click here



Click here for FREE, EXPERT, and CONFIDENTIAL guidance on WORKPLACE ACCOMMODATIONS and DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT issues offered by JAN (Job Accommodations Network)

For additional information about the importance of INCLUSIVE PRACTICES for individuals on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), click on the following links:

Link 1

Importance of Peer Inclusive Education for Individuals on ASD

Link 2

CAR Autism Road Map

Link 3

Social Support, Well-being and Quality of Life Among Individuals on Autism Spectrum

Link 4

Supporting and hindering environment for participation of adolescents diagnosed with Autism Sperctrum Disorder: A scoping review

For more information on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), click on the following links:


NIH – National Institute of Health – Autism Spectrum Disorder


CDC – Center of Disease Control and Prevention – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Additional Social Skills and Other Training Resources


Social Skills training with video modeling, by James Stanfield Company


Social Skills training with video modeling for kids